Shaoxing Zhongya Capsule Co., Ltd.

Can pharmaceutical hard gelatin empty capsules use be stored in a basement?

Update:15 Jul 2024

It is not recommended to store pharmaceutical hard gelatin empty capsules in the basement. Here are the reasons:
Humidity issue: The basement usually has high humidity, which can easily cause capsules to absorb moisture, become soft or stick, affecting their quality and performance.
Temperature fluctuations: The temperature in the basement may be unstable, especially during seasonal changes where temperatures may be too low or too high, which can affect the physical properties of the capsule.
Poor ventilation: The ventilation in the basement is usually poor, which may cause to the accumulation of moisture and odors in the air, thereby affecting the quality of the capsules.
Storage suggestions:
To ensure the quality of pharmaceutical hard gelatin empty capsules, it is recommended to store them in:
Dry and cool place: The storage environment should avoid moisture, and the ideal temperature range is 15 ° C to 25 ° C (59 ° F to 77 ° F).
A well ventilated area: Ensure that the storage area is well ventilated to maintain air circulation and reduce moisture accumulation.
Sealed container: Use sealed containers or packaging to prevent moisture and contamination.
In short, choosing a suitable storage environment is crucial for maintaining the quality and stability of pharmaceutical hard gelatin empty capsules.

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